日系3世、私ことリッキー二宮のルーツ 〜祖先を尊重することで、より豊かな人生を生きる〜


As a third Japanese American, I have a unique relationship with Japan. Having lived in Japan for so many years, I have had the privilege of exploring my roots and the curiosity to dig even deeper perhaps than had I been born Japanese.
Through documents I obtained through a lawyer friend, I secured a copy of my family koseki (family register) in Okayama and learned that my paternal grandparents were adopted by my grandmother’s aunt’s husband whose last name was NINOMIYA. My grandfather then became CHONAN *(the oldest son) of his adopted family, and my father, who was also a chonan, also inherited the family responsibility.
However, after the war, my grandparents relinquished their Japanese citizenship to become American citizens and their names were crossed out of the family register. The copy of the koseki that I received is the version with their names crossed out.
That may be why my father, my aunt, and my uncle born in the Ninomiya family did not inform any of us, the third generation, of this history and why there was no one looking after my great grandparents’ graves in Okayama.
When I first came to Japan, it was important for me to visit the gravesites of all of my relatives on both sides of my family. I felt a deep sense of responsibility to my Ninomiya great grandparents. At first, I just visited whenever I went to Okayama, but later, as I grew to understand Japanese customs, I realized that worshipping one’s ancestors is a deep part of Japanese culture and religion.
I grew up Christian, so I was not very familiar with Buddhist customs. I learned that traditionally people visited and took care of the graves of their ancestors during the spring and autumn equinoxes (ohigan), Obon, and Oshogatsu. About ten years ago, I met an gentleman who was caring for his family’s graves in the same private cemetery in Okayama where my great grandparents’ graves were. He kindly agreed to look after my family’s graves as well as his own. I was very grateful and sent him money for flowers and osenko every year.
Last year I sat down with him to discuss the future care of my great grandparents’ graves. I learned through friends that it was best to have the remains removed from the private cemetery and enshrined in the local temple where they would be looked after for years to come. In November I decided to find the temple where my great grandparents’ deaths had been registered, indicating that they had been members.
Finally, after much time and effort, we were able to identify the right temple. After consulting with the priest, I made the decision to have the family moved to the temple on the date of my great grandfather’s death. We closed the graves in the private cemetery on Friday, May 10. It was a beautiful day, and everything went smoothly. We put the remains in urns, and the priest prepared them for enshrinement in the temple the following day.
Although, I had never met these relatives, it was a very emotional experience. I didn’t want to leave their gravesites neglected in a private cemetery if I were to return to the US one day. By enshrining them in the temple where they would be cared for felt right to me. As the rays of sun shined down on me, I saw that as a sign that their spirits approved.
The priest told me that young Japanese are neglecting to care for their family ancestors and praised me for my deed. I tell this story with the hope that it will inspire others to attend to the care of their ancestors in Japan’s beautiful Buddhist tradition. We are part of our past and by honoring that past I believe we can live our lives more fully.


Quiet private cemetery in Okayama 
The Temple in Okayama
Preparing for the Temple ceremony
Tomb where they are enshrined
Rays of Sun indicating approval


